Why Does My Poodle Stare At Me? Get The Facts!

Have you ever felt like your dog is staring you down? Like they are actually watching everything you do? It might be a case where your dog is staring you down when they are chewing bones or toys. Whatever the reason is, dogs definitely spend a lot of their time staring at humans, with us humans constantly wondering what’s the reason behind it.

The thing is that there are many reasons behind your dog staring. But most of the time they are just actually trying to communicate with you or waiting on you to communicate with them. Simply taking the time out to observe your dog will help you learn the difference.

Brief Overview of Eye Contact With Dogs

Eye contact is an integral communication tool for dogs, just as it is with humans. It can serve as a signal of dominance or aggression, but can also be used as a friendly gesture to reassure and build trust.

Scientists have discovered that gazing upon a dog increases oxytocin levels, the same chemical responsible for mother-child bonding. This could explain why dogs develop such close relationships with their owners.

Researchers studied 125 adult dogs and discovered that factors such as head shape, breed function and age affect how quickly they make eye contact. Cooperative breeds formed eye contact more quickly than non-cooperative ones due to their cooperative tendencies.

Why Does My Poodle Stare At Me

Here are a few reasons why your poodle may be staring at you.

1. They Love Us

It might be a case where your dog is just gazing to show how much they love and appreciate you. It’s safe to say that poodles actually stare just to show their mutual love which is similar to what mothers show when they just met their firstborn. So, if you ever see your poodle looking at you for no apparent reason, it might just be a sign that they love you.

2. They Are Reading Your Body Language

As you may already know, we don’t share the same language as dogs. Dogs in general tend to keep an eye out for any information so that they can put things together to figure out what we are doing or we are about to do.

This is the reason why owners always notice their dogs staring at them as they open the refrigerator, or while they put their shoes on. The reason being is that they think they will be getting a treat or going outside for a walk.

Why Does My Poodle Stare At Me

3. They Are Confused

Your furry friend may be staring because they are pretty much confused with whatever is going on. It could be a case where you’ve given your dog a few commands and they look at you confused wondering what to do.

4. Dog is Showing Aggression

Sometimes your dog staring is a form of aggression especially if they are in a situation where they feel uncomfortable, threatened, or on guard. You may notice a different mood from your dog if they are getting something valuable to them like a bone.

In this case, your dog may stare at you without blinking and may be on the verge of attacking you.

5. They Want Food

There’s no doubt that dogs enjoy sharing food with us. So, if you are eating dinner or any kind of snack, you can expect your poodle to stare you down because they would like to have some themselves. Be careful when feeding your dog in a situation like this as it can be hard to break them out of this habit.

6. They Want Attention

There’s no doubt about it that your furry friend wants to get some form of attention from you. This is why they will constantly stare at you just to get your attention so that you can feed or play with them. Even if it’s a case where you’re always showing your dog love and affection, they will still ask for more especially when they become bored.

7. Experiencing Cognitive Dysfunction

If it’s a case where you have an older dog and they are staring at you for no reason at all, it could be a sign of an illness widely known as Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome in dogs.

So, if somehow your poodle is wandering around aimlessly, not following basic commands as before, and looking disoriented it could be that they are in cognitive decline. At this point, the best thing we recommend doing is to check with your vet so that they can check to see the issue.

Why Does My Poodle Stare At Me When I Eat?

This is an indication that your poodle is trying to communicate with you. The fact that they are staring is showing that they want a taste of that delicious food you’re eating. At this point, you will notice their puppy eyes. They usually show these expressions to try and manipulate us into giving them what they want. So, what they do is stare at us showing what they want and trick us into giving them.

If it’s a case where you have already fed your poodle yet they begin to stare at you when you are eating, we think it is best to ignore them and avoid feeding them because this can result in a bad habit.

How to Get Your Poodle to Stop Staring

There is no doubt that many dog owners complain about their pups spending too much time staring at them. It can be unnerving and it may even feel like our canines are watching us closely at all times.

Most dogs try to communicate with their owners through eye contact. Some are simply curious, while others are simply asking for something specific like food or walk.

If it is a case where your poodle displays a stiff body posture and an upright, stiff tail, it could indicate they feel threatened or they are trying to protect something such as treats, bones or toys.

However, it could also be indicative of mental decline or canine cognitive dysfunction syndrome, an age-related disease. This may manifest itself in confusion, disorientation and even accidents around the house; thus, having your vet check it out is highly recommended.


As you can see, poodles tend to stare for several reasons including wanting attention, food, or just expressing how much they appreciate you. Not only that, but a dog may stare at you because they are trying to show aggression, particularly if they feel threatened or just simply guarding a valuable item such as a bone.


Hey, I'm Alwayne I have always owned pets. Well, as far as I can remember. I was brought up with dogs and cats ever since I was a young boy. I was raised with Pitbulls, but upon having children of my own and in more recent years, I have since owned a Standard Poodle, and a Toy Poodle.

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