Poodles Eye Discharged – Everything You Need to Know!

You should always keep in mind that poodles have small maintenance which needs to be loom after every now and then. So, these are things that you’ll need to take some time out of your day to get sorted out.

Poodles are very delicate dogs, they are extremely intelligent and is considered to be a great family dog. Though having a poodle as part of your family can be overwhelming because of there high maintenance, their eye boogers should be the least of your problems.

Even though eye booger is something that you can find in all dog breeds, they are more common in poodles due to the fact that they are more prone to get repeated blocked tear ducts. The reason for eye boogers in your poodle can range from mild, transient issues like allergies to serious conditions such as glaucoma that can result in blindness.

In this article, we are going to explain everything you need to know about poodle eye boogers or poodle eye discharge and the best way to actually treat them.

What is Poodle Eye Boogers?

Poodles Eye Discharged

The first thing you should keep in mind is that poodle eye boogers are said to be air pollutant particles that is normally stores in the corner of the eye as waste. As you can see, the eyes are constantly producing tears and these are made up of watery, oily, mucous components.

It might be a case where your dog discharged have changed. At some point you could see:

  • Green or yellow discharged
  • Crusting
  • White mucous
  • Watery drainage

It’s best to keep in mind that these can mean different things. If it’s a case where your poodle has excess watery eyes it could mean that they are experiencing irritation to the eye like a scratch located on the cornea or allergies. There are even times when tears can spill over due to them having a clogged tear ducts.

We highly recommend that you pay close attention to these things just to be on the safe side and it is also important that you know what is normal for your furry friend and what is not.

Why Do Poodles Get Eye Boogers?

First let’s start by saying that poodle eye boogers is nothing to worry about so there’s no need to fret. Like all dog breeds out there, poodle eyes tend to get dirty over a period of time.

The reason for this is because there are tons of pollution in the surrounding air. Because of this, you can expect things such as dust, pollen of plants, mucus, saliva, etc to get trapped in your dog eyes. What happens is that the tear plays a role in trapping these particles and also lubricate the poodle eye as well.

Over a period of time, you can expect this gunk to get dry, thicken and collect at the bottom inside corner of the eye.

Also, depend on how active your furry friend is throughout the day, the volume starts to increase which allows it to become prominent.

How to Get Rid of Poodle Eye Boogers?

As mentioned above, you don’t have to necessarily worry about the normal eye booger in poodles eyes. This is something that is very natural, so whenever you notice it within your poodle eyes there is absolutely no need to freak out and cause a scene.

With that said, there’s no way to actually get rid of boogers as it is known to be a natural healthy process. But, what you can do is to remove it on a regular basis just to make your poodles eyes look clean. This is something you can do by yourself and in the comfort of your home.

In order to get the job done, you can use a wipe or a damp cloth and gently moist the booger just to get them soft, then take your time and wipe them off. It will take some time to get the job done completely. Remember not to forcefully wipe the booger as it can be dry and sticking to the hair making it hurtful to the dog.

There are some experts who doesn’t recommend the use of plastic food bowls. The reason for this is because tiny cracks can easily develop in plastic and if this is the case then you can expect some form of bacteria that causes facial infections. It’s best to use stainless steel, glass bowls, or porcelain.

As you may already know, there are lots of products available on the market such as dog tear stain remover, pet eye drops which helps to keep the eyes moist. We also think it is wise to groom the area around your poodle eyes.

When Should You Call The Vet

You might be wondering if it’s now time to call the vet especially if you’re constantly removing the booger and they keep coming back after a day or few, or it could be a case where you are trying to removing them by yourself and you are finding it difficult to do so.

With that said, if your poodle has watery, clear eye discharge for a day or probably two but their eyes seem to be normal, then you don’t have to worry about consulting your vet. However, if your dog watery eyes tend to last for a few days without getting better, or your poodle has colored green eye discharge, yellow eye discharge or another colored eye discharge, then it is now time to schedule a vet appointment visit.

There are other signs you may want to look out for such as squinting, red-looking eye or if your dog is constantly scratching his eye. If there’s a chance where you’ve seen signs and you think something is wrong with your dog eyes, then take the time out to visit a vet as soon as possible.


There’s no doubt that poodles are more prone to experience blocked tear ducts and you’ll find these duct to drain the tears from your poodle’s eyes out through their nose as well as back of their throat. Sometimes, eye discharge can be normal, while there are times when they can be abnormal boogers that needs a vet visit.


Hey, I'm Alwayne I have always owned pets. Well, as far as I can remember. I was brought up with dogs and cats ever since I was a young boy. I was raised with Pitbulls, but upon having children of my own and in more recent years, I have since owned a Standard Poodle, and a Toy Poodle.

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