Poodle vs Golden Retriever: Difference Between the Two Breeds?

Golden retrievers and poodles are both popular household dogs. However, people often mistake these two breeds for one another. It is essential to understand their differences before making a decision about which breed is right for you.

Poodle vs Golden Retriever

Is there a difference between the two breeds?

1. Size and Shape

Poodles and golden retrievers come from the same family (spaniel), but they are different. However, a golden retriever is typically more significant than a poodle; this isn’t always the case. Both come in various sizes, and some golden retrievers might be smaller than some poodles. Generally, poodles range from 18 – 28 inches tall and 35-65 lbs., though it is important to note that there are different sizes of poodles, just as there are different size golden retrievers. Golden retrievers generally range from 22-24 inches tall and 50-75 lbs.

2. Paws

Poodle paws tend to be smaller than a golden retriever’s paw. However, the size of a dog’s paws is not always an indicator of his overall size or weight. Often, if a poodle has more giant feet, he will also have a more extensive body and vice versa with golden retrievers.

3. Face

Both breeds have long muzzles; however, their noses come in different colors. Poodles usually have black noses, while golden retrievers can have black or brown noses (typically lighter than a poodle’s nose).

4. Size of the Ears

A golden retriever has floppy ears, while a poodle’s ears are more pointed. However, some people may make the poodle’s pointed ears floppy due to their fur, which is longer around the ear opening.

5. Coat and Coloring

Golden retrievers have shorter hair than poodles do. A golden retriever’s coat ranges in color from light or dark gold to cream, while a poodle’s coat can be black, apricot, gray, or white. Poodles have either curly/wavy hair or corded hair, while golden retrievers have neither type of coat, which makes their coats easier to maintain.

6. Corded Hair

This term refers to the type of coat that poodles have. The cords are typically maintained by stripping the hair, done by hand or with a special blade called a stripping knife.

Poodle vs Golden Retriever

7. Gait

Poodles typically have more energy and take longer strides when they walk, while golden retrievers tend to be slower and take shorter strides. Poodles walk directly in front of their legs while golden retrievers carry their weight further back. *The gait of both breeds varies depending on the dog’s mood, whether they have been exercised enough for the day, etc. So it is not always an accurate way to identify either breed- especially if you’re looking at pictures online. However, this can give you an idea of the difference between breeds.

8. Coat Care

Golden retrievers have thick, short coats that do not require much maintenance, while poodles have long fur that needs regular grooming to prevent matting and tangling. A golden retriever’s coat is faster than a poodle’s and also sheds less frequently, so they do not need to be brushed or combed as often. Poodles’ cords should be groomed regularly with either a stripping knife or grooming shears depending on how tight the cords are. It is important to note that many people can cut their dog’s hair at home, but this process requires patience and skill, especially for dogs with corded hair such as poodles.

9. Temperament

Both breeds are loyal and intelligent, but poodles can be more protective. Poodles tend to like water more than golden retrievers do as well. It is important to note that all dog breeds have different temperaments; therefore, it is not fair to compare two dogs based on their breed alone. If you are looking for a specific temperament type, ask the breeder or rescue center what the individual pup’s personality has been so far- this will give you an idea of the puppy fits your lifestyle.

Between Poodle and Golden Retriever – Which Breed is Good

There are different types of dog breeds in the entire dog world that people find as their friends and pet. In this generation, more than 400 kinds of dogs may be confused by those who want to have a pet. That is why those who want to pick a particular breed should be very specific first to avoid mistakes.

Even some people cannot decide which kind of dog they should take because they think that all the dogs can make them happy. But it is not true because, among those 400 kinds, only 20 kids were proven as man’s best friends.

After all, they have good temperaments and also patience with children. It won’t be easy for you if you can’t choose poodle vs golden retriever since both of them are very famous. Let’s find out which one is better by reading this article first.


They are known as an elegant dog breed that got their popularity in the late 19th century. They come in three sizes, which means that you can choose Standard Poodle, Miniature Poodle, and Toy Poodle. The standard poodles are 58 to 69 cm (23 – 27 inches), while it is about 20 to 38 cm (8-15 inches) for toy poodles.

People love them because they look like a child due to their tiny bodies but intelligent enough with their minds. This fantastic pet also has four kinds of hair types; wavy, curly, corded, and smooth, which need much attention.

Since poodle has various hair types, it means that there are four different kinds of poodles; wavy, curly, corded, and smooth, which means that they will need more attention than other dog breeds do. They tend to shake their bodies so often because their hair gets loose quickly if their owner does not brush them regularly, especially after exercise. Therefore, if you have a tight schedule, this kind of poodle will not be suitable for you.

Golden Retriever

Another known dog breed that many people also love is Golden Retriever. They originated from Scotland and became one of the most popular breeds in America. This loyal dog got its popularity because it became a hero when it saved people with their very keen sense of hearing during World War I, II, and III.

Even children love to play with them because they act friendly even if you beat them with your hand but don’t try to do it since you will not like how they interact with you. They became poodle vs golden retriever comparison since they look similar physically, which needs much attention too.


While poodle vs golden retriever is still a debatable topic among some people who want to have a pet, you cannot deny that all dogs need much attention. But it is not like the poodle vs golden retriever comparison because they both can make you happy if you take care of them well. They are devoted to their owner, but at the same time, they sometimes act annoying when they want your attention.


Hey, I'm Alwayne I have always owned pets. Well, as far as I can remember. I was brought up with dogs and cats ever since I was a young boy. I was raised with Pitbulls, but upon having children of my own and in more recent years, I have since owned a Standard Poodle, and a Toy Poodle.

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