Poodle Vs German Shepherd – A Perfect Match (Complete Guide)

When it comes with dog to pet and keep, the first few breeds that comes to our mind are poodle and German Shepherd without a doubt. And who doesn’t want some to begin with? While they are totally different from each other in many ways, their shares something in common too. Both originated in Germany and undeniably domesticated, friendly and considered as two of the most ideal and adorable pet in their own unique manners.

Dogs are man’s bestfriend and so as the poodle and German Shepherd. But in the heart of pet owners, breeders and dog lovers or enthusiast, one is surely ahead and better from the other considering many aspects of matter at hand.

In the face off between poodle vs German Shepherd, let us see who will win the supremacy. From every sides, point to point and round by round where solid facts, in depth research and hands on experience are the main judge. How can you ever beat these feat?

Poodle VS German Shepherd

Poodle VS German Shepherd

And let the cordial and harmless battle begins!

ROUND 1 – Appearance

German Shepherd, despite of its wolf-like appearance is a relatively modern breed type of dog from medium to large sized dogs. They have domed or embowed forehead , with an ear that is usually large and erect and eyes of a brown medium sized almond. With strong jaws and black nose, German Shepherd also has a long neck and its tail is a bit bushy and shaggy.

Its physical feature makes the German Shepherd a bit intimidating at first impressions due to its striking height, powerful built and neutral color. But don’t be deceived by the commanding presence you see from the outside because they can be the most affectionate and loving dog if you allow them to be.

Meanwhile, poodle more than being active and energetic is gifted with adorable cuteness and huggable feature. With a graceful built and ideal body proportion, their curly dense coat characterized by abundance, fine texture and wooliness is the crowning glory of the poodles while the flat and long ears covered with wavy fur is the cherry on top.

The back of the poodle is relatively strong and muscular in form while their chest is kind of an oval that is seemingly wide. Their eyes are almond shape with brown or dark colors just like the Golden Shepherd but a more expressive version of one.

Winner For Round 1: Both

What a good way to start the bout. Both has their own distinct physical traits and unique appearance that makes the visually appealing and physically enchanting as dog or as a pet to keep and care. It’s a draw for the initial round!

ROUND 2 – Height

Poodle can grow with average height of 15 inches ( 38cm) or more for both male and female while German Shepherd can go as much as 25 inches ( 63 cm) for male and 23 inches ( 58 cm) for female. The latter is about 8 to 10 inches taller compare to height of a poodle.

Winner For Round 2: German Shepherd

The taller is the better and so as for dogs. With a certain commanding height comes with an authority that is clearly demonstrated by the winner in this round.

ROUND 3 – Weight

The average weight of a male German shepherd is 77 pounds ( 35 kilos) and 60 pounds ( 27 kilos) for a female one while a male poodle has an average weight of 58 pounds (26 kilos) and about 53 pound ( 24 kilos) for a female poodle. The poodle obviously can be 3 to 11 kilos lighter compare to German Shepherd.

Winner For Round 3: Both

In everything , a balance is a plus and so as the weight. Height must be directly proportional to weight. And clearly, both succeeded on this point.

ROUND 4 – Colors

Poodle when it comes to aesthetic visuals will surely not disappoint. An array and variety of colors which includes but not limited to the following tone and shade from the likes of black and tan, beige, red, cream, blue, gray to the hue of blue, fawn, white and silver, brown and apricot. Meanwhile, for Golden Shepherd, the colors are limited to black and white, tan, sable , red and silver at large.

Winner For Round 4: Poodle

Obviously, poodle nailed this round as option for colors are just limitless and beyond which highlighted more of their adorable and utterly cute sides.

ROUND 5 – Grooming and Maintenance

Having a fuzzy, thick and fluffy coat works for the advantage of a German Shepherd that only requires average grooming effort in enhancing the dog appearance and with manageable maintenance when it comes to hygienic care and cleanliness.

However, if simplicity , ease and lowness best describes the grooming and maintenance manner of the German Shepherd, it’s the other way around for poodle. This breed needs a lot of effort and works to be done considering their curly and crimped coat that often required the help of professional groomers. But regardless of , both requires regular veterinary attention.

Winner For Round 5: German Shepherd

Looking good and feeling good can be as easy and simple just like that and poodles with high maintenance can learn from German Shepherd somehow as the former emerging as a clear winner over this round.

ROUND 6 – Life Span or Expectancy

The German shepherds are active and high energy dogs and expected to have a life span of 9-13 years while poodles being quite an energetic dog as well is expected to live longer about 12 -15 years, a couple of years lengthy than the German Shepherd.

Winner For Round 6: Poodle

Surely, it’s a close fight but the poodle is a victor here by a very close margin. Since dog is a part of the family, I guess we are all in the same page and share the sentiments when it comes to fear of losing one’s pet. The longer stay of our pet with us, the better is life, indeed!

ROUND 7 – Personality and Traits

Both are highly appreciated when it comes to intelligence, being domesticated and amiable. The distinct and well rounded personality of poodle and German Shepherd makes them an ideal service and therapy dog. Indeed, this statement alone is just a solid concrete proof that these breed of dogs has the most human heart in unhuman form that is capable of giving care and comfort.

While they are consider as adult and child friendly in the same manner, poodles are more affable and genial to the opposite kind like cats and to similar group of dogs even with other breeds.

The poodles may be the winner of congeniality award, however, the German shepherd is one step head in terms of trainability, sensitivity level and adrenaline rush. Both are affectionate and adaptable but poodles require a bit more of attention and social needs while German Shepherd can play it in a certain cool and with a bit of independence.

Winner For Round 7: Both

In this particular round, the battle is pretty tough and really a head to head bout. But the similarities and difference of their personalities makes them a standout in their own right that is worthy of equal footing and rank.

Poodle vs German Shepherd! The verdict is already out. It’s actually a unanimous tie between the two. Because the unassuming and unapologetic truth is telling us that they are both similar and distinct of their own that makes them a winner worthy of much respect and a call for celebration. It’s our relationship with our poodle or German Shepherd that will unleash the good and bad in them and the way we treat our pets that will surely make the big difference. By doing so, we are all winners without a blink!


Hey, I'm Alwayne I have always owned pets. Well, as far as I can remember. I was brought up with dogs and cats ever since I was a young boy. I was raised with Pitbulls, but upon having children of my own and in more recent years, I have since owned a Standard Poodle, and a Toy Poodle.

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