How Fast is a Poodle – The Truth Might Be Shocking!

The Standard Poodle, Miniature Poodle, and Toy Poodle are the three various sizes of poodles. Among the various sizes of the breed, Standard Poodles are the fastest. In general they are alert instinctive dogs who enjoy sprinting. It may sound strange, but beneath their trademark curly fur, they have an extremely athletic and muscular physique. Poodles can reach speeds of 30 miles per hour.

Many may not realize it, but the Standard Poodle is more than just a gorgeous face. Poodles have a lot of curls, but much like the Afghan Hound, the Poodle’s appearance should not detract from its athletic ability. Poodles have been reported to run at speeds of up to 30 miles per hour. After all, Poodles were bred to hunt ducks.

How Fast is a Poodle

Remarkably, these canines are among the world’s fastest. They can reach speeds of just over 30 mph and weigh more than 70 pounds in the largest poodles. The poodle has a moisture-resistant coat that aids swimming, making it a fast runner and swimmer.

Poodles can gain weight without their owners recognizing it due to their thick coats. It’s critical that you use your hands to feel your Poodle’s body on a daily basis to check for weight issues. With a well-balanced diet, poodles are not prone to weight problems, although their coat can conceal weight changes.

Poodles have the ability to run three miles without getting exhausted. Out of all of the poodle breeds, Standard Poodles are considered to be the best jogging companions. Before running for an extended period of time, poodles will require some training. Running in bad weather should also be approached with caution.

There are a few things you should know about your poodle’s safety before taking him for a run.

Can Poodles Run Long Distance

How Fast is a Poodle

Poodles are not ordinary lap dogs, despite what they may appear to be in movies and what we might think they are. Poodles are incredibly athletic and capable of long distance running.

Poodles were once bred in Germany to be water retrievers. Poodles were bred to hunt waterfowl in the water. In the past, these Poodles were hunting buddies. While this has nothing to do with running, it does contribute to the Poodle’s attitude. Poodles are also excellent runners due to their temperament.

Poodles can run for a long time due to their great energy. It is especially harmful if you do not let your poodle to run outside. Poodles’ energy is trapped inside if they are not exercised. This may cause your poodle to act wildly. So, going for a run with your poodle is actually a fantastic idea.

Poodles, in addition to their ability to run, can accomplish a variety of other activities.

Poodles, for example, are more than happy to accompany you across a stream or into a muddy area while other dogs would be hesitant. Even when they shouldn’t, they’ll keep running. Your poodle would simply follow you if you were running for an extended period of time or over a long distances, even if their little legs get tired.

When running with your poodle, it is critical that you pay some attention to them and if they’re getting tired.

Even though there aren’t any set rules for how long or far you can run with your dog, you should be able to detect when he or she is weary. Even though your poodle is close by, he or she may be panting excessively or going a little slower than usual so make sure to take breaks and check your Poodle to make sure it isn’t getting exhausted.

Training You Poodle To Run

Your jogging experience will be influenced by how well you train your Poodle to run alongside you. When you initially start running with your Poodle start with slow, quick jogs. You can progressively increase the distance as your dog develops comfortable with these runs.

It’s also crucial to change up your training routine now and then. If you and your dog run a fast three miles one day, you should follow up with a gentle two-mile jog or stroll the next day. While you’re out running, keep an eye on your dog for signs of injury or discomfort. Dogs have been known to run through injuries only to keep up with their cherished companions.

Running is the same for poodles as it is for humans. Poodles like humans, cannot jump from sitting on the couch to running a marathon. They must train to reach a running level by gradually warming up to it.

It’s crucial to remember that your poodle should be at least two years old before going for a run with you. This is due to the fact that poodles’ bones continue to expand until they reach the age of two.

Things To Do Before Training Your Poodle To Run:

Visit The Vet First – This is the perfect place for your poodle to begin their running. There are several things your veterinarian may do to ensure that your poodle is ready to race. If there are any issues with your poodle’s legs that need to be looked at and addressed before running, your veterinarian can take care of it.

Start Off With Jogs – Even if you should already be walking your poodles, taking longer walks to build them up to start running is a great choice. Begin slowly, t he length of time your poodle walks is unimportant. Your poodle should be able to walk for lengthy periods of time without tiring. You don’t even need to be dressed in gym clothing to get started. Simply walk around the area at the same pace.

Slowly Increase Distance & Pace – A slow walk should come naturally to your poodle. Take your poodle on a stroll a bit faster each time. You can go for a brisk walk now. Then a quick jog. Jogs can be used to gradually increase your speed until you reach a full run. You might feel compelled to sprint at this point. When you go running, though, you must keep your Poodle in mind.   Your Poodle requires time before she can start full out running. Although you can encourage your poodle to move faster, don’t go too quickly.

Which Poodle Breed Is The Best Runner

It’s crucial to understand that not all poodle breeds can run the same distance. If you had one of each type of poodle, you would notice the distance each poodle could run would be quite different. Because of their sizes, there is such a big gap in their running skills. Although all poodles are similar in appearance, they differ in their ability to sprint long distances.

Standard Poodles

Standard poodles are the finest choice if you’re seeking for a running partner. The standard poodle is the biggest of the poodle breeds. They are not just the largest, but also the poodle’s original size. The standard poodle is the original poodle bred in Germany, whereas the other poodle kinds have been bred to be the size they are now

Standard poodles are able to cover long distances easily. The ideal exercise for these poodles is a lengthy run at a set pace. When you’re running, a standard poodle can easily keep up with you. Although there are numerous factors that impact how long your standard poodle can run, a good rule is to not keep your dog jogging for no more than 3 miles.

Miniature Poodles

Mini poodles, while not as popular as standard poodles, can nonetheless make excellent jogging companions. Mini poodles can run the same distances as standard poodles. They would, perhaps, perform better if they went at a slower speed. Mini poodles are excellent runners, but they should never be used for sprinting.

They can do a brisk jog but not a full sprint. This is due to the fact that their legs are shorter. To keep up with you, mini poodles must move their legs considerably faster. As a result, your jog will feel like a sprint to them.

Toy Poodles

If the mini poodle has trouble running because of its tiny legs, you can bet the toy poodle will as well or have even more.

Toy poodles’ legs are quite short. This is why toy poodles are not allowed to run for extended or what might seem to be average amount of time for other dogs.  It is best to keep toy poodles on a leash at all times. They should no even jog with their little legs, even if you go for a fast walk it isn’t recommended, we do however recommend stead walks to keep them fit.


Despite overwhelming evidence in favor of standard poodles as running companions, the idea of a tiny little toy poodle on a leash remains a bit off based on the picture the media may have painted for them to just being little lap dogs and dress up dogs.

So try to get rid of the image of a well-groomed poodle wearing bows racing alongside you on a muddy trail. The standard poodle and the toy poodle are so different that so people completely recommend not running with your Toy Poodle none at all based on how you’d overwork their tiny legs.

Whether you’re seeking for a new running companion or simply wondering if you should start jogging as a leisure since you own a Standard or Miniature Poodle we always encourage it. Take your curly-haired companion for a jog and we always recommend that before you start jogging or running with your Poodle to take him to the vet to get a full checkup to make sure they’re healthy enough so nothing happens to your bestfriend while jogging.


Hey, I'm Alwayne I have always owned pets. Well, as far as I can remember. I was brought up with dogs and cats ever since I was a young boy. I was raised with Pitbulls, but upon having children of my own and in more recent years, I have since owned a Standard Poodle, and a Toy Poodle.

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