Do Poodles Have Webbed Feet – Everything You Need to Know!

We are such a huge fan poodles and think they are the perfect dog breeds for dog lovers who just doesn’t have enough space for keeping large dogs. The fact that poodles are cute, smart and friendly makes them a great family dog to have in your possession.

So, do poodles have webbed feet? It is pretty much safe to say that poodles does have webbed feet and most dogs with webbed feet are considered to be good swimmers. Base on history, poodles were actually bred to be swimmer retrievers. Their webbed feet is what helps them to paddle and their thick coat is extremely easy to shake off once they are out of the water.

Why Do Poodles Have Webbed Feet?

Guess we have to go back in history. Poodle name in general comes from the German word “Pideln”, which means to splash. So, as you can see, poodles are very well good swimmers. For instance, there name are related to a term that has to do with water.

At that time, people were actually looking for dogs that could be used for hunting ducks. Hence, poodles came by and they tend to inherited webbed feet because of this very reason.

You might even notice that poodles tail are quite small and furry and they actually sticks out when they are underwater.

One thing you will notice is that a lot of dogs actually have webbed feet for survival purposes. If you look closely, you will see that there’s a similarity between the webs under your dog feet and ducks, as it helps them to paddle in water quickly.

Poodles Coat

Do Poodles Have Webbed Feet

Another thing that we find to be very important for poodles apart from their webbed feet is their coat. Poodles coat is known to be one of their most important physical features. Their coat actually plays an important role when it comes to swimming.

With its single layer coat, you can expect your poodle to be protected from any cold weather or even water that’s entire cold. Not only that, but it will also allow your dog to be a swift swimmer, whether they are underwater or on the surface.

We love the fact that the fur are extremely soft and fluffy causing your dog to be fun to be around. Poodles are superb in this case because of how attractive they look.

Because of their webbed feet, there are many people who actually think that all poodles are great swimmers, but that’s not the case. If you live in an area that doesn’t get much rain and you don’t not have a pool in your home, then there is a high chance that your poodle haven’t had any chance to get practice which may cause them not to have an idea on how to swim.

Difference Between Having Webbed Feet vs Non-Webbed Feet

As we mentioned above, dogs with webbed feet tend to be great swimmers as compared to dogs who don’t have webbed feet. Not only does webbed feet plays a great role for swimming, but it is also useful for land purposes as well. Let’s say for instance, the padding and slight scratchiess of the underside of the foot works superb in terms of the friction between the dog and the ground. As you can see, dogs enjoys jumping around and making fun even if it is with themselves.

The fact that webbed feet help in this circumstance, it is an excellent addition to their body. If somehow the dog needs to make an sudden stop while running, their webbed feet will help them in doing so. What we really find interesting is that the webbed feet have a thin layer of membrane that can be found on the surface which helps when it comes to protecting the feet from bacteria or any other form infection that may cause injuries to the dog’s feet.

It’s actually helpful in many different ways, as it can even help with your dogs stability. It even have a way if functioning like shovel blades, making it possible for your dogs to move dirt around with ease compared dogs that doesn’t have webbed feet.

A dog that has normal feet actually relies on their claws to dig things up, which means that it will take more time for him to get the job done than one with webbing. If it’s a case where you are planning on getting a dog for hunting purposes, it would be best if you go with one that has webbed feet.


Poodles having webbed feet or not isn’t a big deal since there are advantages and disadvantages that comes to owning a dog with paw shaped. The fact that poodles have webbed feet makes it easier for you to know exactly where his strength lie and what he can and cannot achieve.


Hey, I'm Alwayne I have always owned pets. Well, as far as I can remember. I was brought up with dogs and cats ever since I was a young boy. I was raised with Pitbulls, but upon having children of my own and in more recent years, I have since owned a Standard Poodle, and a Toy Poodle.

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