Can Poodles Swim? The Shocking Truth!

Due to the fact that poodles are extremely active, similar to humans, swimming is something that they really enjoy doing. In this guide we will explain everything so that you have a better understanding.

Can poodles swim? In fact poodles are really good swimmers. Poodles are ranked really high on the list when it comes to the top dog dog breeds capable of swimming. Most poodles enjoy being in water and will definitely take advantage of every opportunity they get to dive into it. Certain features of a poodle such as their paws and coat, make them the perfect fit for water.

If you want to know more about what causes poodles to be a great swimmer and how does this applies to your own poodle at home, then you should definitely continue reading to find out more.

Learn the Facts About Poodle and Swimming

It is safe to say that poodles are considered to be one of the very few dogs who are bred to be water retrievers. Also, because of their swimming skill, they can be very helpful if there were ever someone struggling to swim to shore.

Another reason why poodle are able to swim good is because of their webbed feet. Even though all dogs is said to have some form of webbing, the poodle does have more than the average dog.

If you pay close attention you’ll realize that the paws because of there webbing it act like paddles in the water. Another trait that helps poodle when it comes to swimming is their fur coat. This is without a doubt one of the most noticeable traits of a poodle.

Poodles are one of those dogs who only has a single layer of fur coat, while most other dog breeds have double layers. However, this is one of the main reasons why poodle’s have a more easier time swimming.

Though we haven’t mentioned any specific poodles, it’s safe to say that this applies to all poodle types including standard, toy and miniature poodles. So wherever there is water, you can expect your poodle to perform really well. However, this is not the case for all poodles.

How Does This Apply to Your Poodle

Can Poodles Swim

As you can see, poodles have some of the most amazing features which causes them to be a superb swimmer.

Although they everyday dog that you might see jumping in a pond or river on a regular basis is a golden retriever or lab, but it’s safe to say that poodle love the water just as much.

Even though they may seem to be more of an elegant dog, poodles are known to be in water quite frequently. Poodles are not scared to be in the water whenever they get the chance to.

However, you should keep in mind that not all poodles are alike, which means that you’ll have a few poodles that doesn’t enjoy being in the water. At some point you’ll notice that even two poodles in the same family may react different when it comes to water.

Although there’s no facts that one dog have more swimming traits than the other, you will realize that they have different swimming style. All dogs have it in them to swim, but some are just afraid of the water.

If you place your dogs in water they will naturally paddle their legs to keep themselves up. However, not every dogs knows what to do from their, in most cases some dogs won’t even move from the spot.

If you are wondering if your dogs is able to swim, then all you have to do is constantly expose your dog to the water.

How to Prepare Your Poodle For Swimming

There are many dogs who naturally love water while others may need a bit of help. What you can do is follow these steps to make your poodle’s first swimming experience much easier.

Fit a life jacket on your poodle

First thing I recommend doing is to fit your poodle’s with a life jacket to make it much easier for your dog since it is their first time. If the water is deep or if it is a large body of water, using a life jacket on your dog is definitely the way to go as it will help to keep them safe.

Start with shallow water

Starting with these water will allow your dog to be more comfortable when exploring and test their swimming skills. Shallow water will make it much easier to move around for both you and the poodle.

You should try your best to stay away from currents, as it will make a bit more difficult to swim.

By staying away from deep water your dog will become more comfortable with the feeling of the water, while feeling the ground at the same time as being in the water.

Make sure your poodle isn’t exhausted

Sometimes what take place is your dog start to swim around and play until they get really exhausted. This is one of the most common reasons behind drowning.

Only opt for toys that float in the water

You should only use toys that float because they will always stay on top of the water which means that your dog will not need to dive putting their heads underneath the water. This can cause them to breathe water into their lungs and it can even fill into their ears.

Have fun with your dog

You don’t have to be strict on your little one. You should take the time out to have fun with your dog in the water. Getting into the water with your poodle will make your dog a lot more comfortable and confident at the sametime.

If you’re a good swimmer yourself, what you can do is go out in the deeper section of the water and call out for your dog. I can guarantee that your dog will feel a bit more comfortable in the water with your presence in it as well.

What’s the Benefit of Swimming For Both Poodles and Their Owners?

It’s best to keep in mind that swimming isn’t something that’s only beneficial to your poodles. We as humans also gain health benefits from swimming. If swimming is something that both poodles and their owners can gain rewards from, why not just take the time out to swim together? Don’t just throw your poodle in the nearest pond nearby, because not all poodles react to water the same. Let them get comfortable with the water first. Here is a few benefits that comes with swimming with your poodle:

Swimming is well known to be perfect for the joint. The reason for this is because water exercise is considered to be low impact and is said to be much easier on older bodies and those said to be suffering from physical ailments. Not only that, but it even has the ability to help you regain strength and control for those who need it. Swimming is the perfect treatment for people who has arthritis.

It’s also considered to be excellent for muscles. Swimming is known to be ideal for gaining muscles as well as improving the quality of life for both humans or animals that’s suffering from muscle weakness.

It can help in terms of making you lean. Not only does swimming helps with creating muscles, but it is alsk great with the weight you hold. Swimming is the perfect exercise for weight loss as it works multiple points of your body at once.

Swimming is a very effective stress and anxiety reliever. Having a fun exercise in a comfortable environment can be really beneficial to your mental health as well as your poodles.

Swimming can help improve your heart and digestive health. It’s super helpful in terms of getting your blood pump in a less impactful way. Not only that but it can speed up your metabolism which results in your bowel moving more frequently and it’s even effective when it comes to burning away any toxins.

Do Poodles Hate Being Bathe?

Yes, there are lots of poodles who actually dislike being bathe. There are several reasons for this ranging from the owners using wrong shampoos to not getting the dog used to being bathe from they were smaller.

This is why we recommend as a dog owner to have your poodle used to being bathe at least every 3-4 weeks as a puppy, as this will make it much easier for you to get the job done as they get older.

Before giving your poodle a bath make sure to take the time out to brush their coat properly. Also, it is highly recommend that you use a quality brand shampoo that will leave his/her skin feeling smooth and comfortable.

To make things more exciting for your dog, you can give him a treat afterwards. Once you ensure that there’s something after the bath, your poodle will like being bathe.


Poodles is one of the very few dogs that were bred to swim, which is why you should give them the opportunity to swim whenever you can. In order to make your poodle feel a lot more comfortable you should join them as well. Once your poodle sees that you are enjoying the water I can guarantee that they will enjoy it too.

You should keep in mind that poodles are born water retrievers. Make sure to keep an eye on how far in the water they go. You don’t want your dog to swim too far from the shore as they will need energy to get back to you safely.


Hey, I'm Alwayne I have always owned pets. Well, as far as I can remember. I was brought up with dogs and cats ever since I was a young boy. I was raised with Pitbulls, but upon having children of my own and in more recent years, I have since owned a Standard Poodle, and a Toy Poodle.

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