Can Poodles Eat Yogurt? Continue Reading!

Yogurt is a tasty treat for humans as it plays a role when it comes to supporting their gut health. Due to the high probiotic benefits, protein and calcium, us humans enjoy consuming yogurt since it helps to improve our immune system.

At some point, you may be wondering if it is safe to feed yogurt to your poodles, can it be beneficial to them also? Well, in this article, we have explained everything you need to know about yogurt and if it is safe for poodles to eat.

Can Poodles Eat Yogurt?

The short answer is yes, poodles can definitely eat yogurt without experiencing any form of health issues. But, that doesn’t necessarily means that you should feed it to them. Though yogurt isn’t known to be toxic to poodles, some of them actually find it hard to digest due to the fact that it contains lactose. The thing is that lots of pups tend to have a hard time with foods that contain lactose such as milk.

Is it Safe to Feed Yogurt to Poodles?

Can Poodles Eat Yogurt

It’s best to keep in mind that yogurt is a diary product that consists of calcium, probiotics, potassium and protein which is very well known to be beneficial to our health. Even though yogurt is known to have lots of health benefits, we only recommend feeding your poodles the non-fat plain yogurt. Feeding your furry friend too much yogurt or even giving them the wrong type can cause some health issues. It may lead to your dog having gastrointestinal upset especially if they already have sensitive stomachs.

Check: Best Dog Food For Poodles 

Why You Should Not Feed Your Poodle Yogurt?

Let’s start by making it clear that yogurt is not toxic to poodles, so there is nothing to really worry about, but there are several factors that you may want to take into consideration before actually feeding yogurt to your furry friend.

The first issue has to do with lactose. The thing is that has dog ages they tend to produce less amount of lactose, which can lead to them being lactose intolerance. With that said, lactose in yogurt can result in your poodle having upset stomach such as vomiting and diarrhea. Poodles doesn’t have the ability to digest lactose as easily as we are able to.

Another factor that you’ll want to keep in mind is the type of yogurt you are planning on feeding your poodles with. Some yogurts that is considered to be sugar-free will likely contain a sugar substitute that is fatal to dogs such as xylitol. Xylitol is very well known to be deadly as it can cause hypoglycemia, seizures, vomiting and liver failure.

Are the Probiotics in Yogurt Good For Poodles?

Not only is probiotics good for you but they are also beneficial to dogs. However, if it is a case where you are following the 10 percent rule, then this might not be enough so that your dog can get the right amount of probiotics benefits.

With that said, instead of tossing more yogurts to your dog, we think it would be best if you consult your veterinarian just to make sure that you are on the right path and isn’t doing anything to affect your furry friend.

How Much Yogurt Can Your Poodle Eat?

If it’s a case where your poodle isn’t lactose intolerant, then you can feed them yogurt on a daily basis in moderation. Here’s how much yogurt you can give to your poodles without actually causing any harm:

  • Toy poodles: 1 teaspoon daily
  • Miniature poodles: 2 teaspoons daily
  • Standard poodles: 3 teaspoons daily

There’s no doubt that your poodle will enjoy eating yogurt as a form of treat, but you should know that it won’t give them the health benefits of probiotics.


When introducing your poodle to any form of new food, make sure to follow the 90/10 rule of thumb just to be on the safe side. 90 percent of their daily calories should actually come from a complete dog food, while the other 10 percent of calories can come from them eating treats. If somehow you practice to give them large amount of treats, then they might be at risk of obesity or diabetes.


Hey, I'm Alwayne I have always owned pets. Well, as far as I can remember. I was brought up with dogs and cats ever since I was a young boy. I was raised with Pitbulls, but upon having children of my own and in more recent years, I have since owned a Standard Poodle, and a Toy Poodle.

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