Can Poodles Eat Broccoli? Evetything You Need to Know!

Before you share your vegetable with your poodle, you may be wondering if it’s safe to feed poodles broccoli to eat? It’s safe to say that many family dinner includes broccoli due to the fact that it is known to be a healthy vegetable that you can share with your dog.

In this article, we are going to explain everything you need to know about poodle and if it’s safe to give them broccoli to eat.

Can Poodles Eat Broccoli?

Yes you can safely feed your poodle broccoli since it won’t necessarily cause them any harm. Broccoli can be tasty for your furry friend and it may even benefit their health in a positive way.

Though feeding them broccoli isn t the most ideal vegetables for them to eat, it does contain vitamin C, and healthy fiber. When feeding your dog broccoli make sure to do so in moderation as it is known to contain isothiocyanate that can actually cause serious abdominal pain and digestive issues.

Is Broccoli Healthy For Poodles?

Can Poodles Eat Broccoli

We only recommend feeding your poodle broccoli in small quantities. The thing is that dogs actually benefits from the nutrients in broccoli including vitamin k, calcium and potassium. Vitamin K plays a very important role when it comes to promoting strong bones, and higher bone density, and just by feeding them broccoli it can be a real boost.

You shouldn’t overfed your poodle because more than 10% of their daily calorie intake shouldn’t be coming from eating broccoli, which tends to varies base on the size and activity level of your dog.

Can Eating Broccoli Cause Any Harm?

The main thing that may result in danger to your dog is isothiocyanate, which can lead to severe irritation to the digestive tract. Isothiocyanate is also known to be in several other vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. Isothiocyanate tend to play a very important role with plant since it help to protect them from insect and infection by bacteria.

Providing your dog with a small amount of isothiocyanate will not necessarily cause any harm but if your dog intake is more than 10% of his calorie, it can lead to them having gut irritation. If somehow your furry friend should eat at least 30% of his daily calories, at such high intake, isothiocyanate can become a deadly toxin.

Can My Poodle Eat Cooked Broccoli?

Yes it is absolutely safe for poodles to eat cook broccoli. When it is cook there is lesser chance of it being a choking hazard or intestinal blockage if you cut the broccoli in small pieces before serving it to your dog. This is also a great way to add it to your dog’s food bowl as an additional to their regular meal.

Read: Best Dog Food For Poodles

Can Poodles Eat Frozen Broccoli?

It’s also fine to feed your dog frozen broccoli, but make sure to cut it up in small pieces prior to feeding your dog. As with any fruit or vegetable, when feeding them to your dog, avoid any form of added ingredients, oils or seasoning.

How Much Broccoli Can My Poodle Eat?

As mentioned above, broccoli should only make up 10% of your furry friend daily calories. When feeding your dog broccoli make sure to start out slow just to ensure that they digest it well. You should keep an close eye on your dog just to make sure that they are not having any bellyache, like gas or diarrhea.

If your poodle doesn’t experience any problem while eating broccoli then you may want to feed them in small amount each day if that’s what you want. Always make sure you are following the 10% rule and everything should be just fine.

It’s best to keep in mind that isothiocyanate in broccoli can be very dangerous for dog’s once given in large quantities, but it is pretty much safe for humans to eat. For humans, broccoli is great especially for those who are suffering from arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.

When feeding your dog broccoli make sure to cut it up in small pieces and to cook it before actually serving it to them. Broccoli can be fibrous, so test it out to make sure they are properly cook and easy to chew. Also, serve it as an occasional treat and in moderation.


Hey, I'm Alwayne I have always owned pets. Well, as far as I can remember. I was brought up with dogs and cats ever since I was a young boy. I was raised with Pitbulls, but upon having children of my own and in more recent years, I have since owned a Standard Poodle, and a Toy Poodle.

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